Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lots of pictures

Last night I stayed out late drinking wine and smoking cigars by the Grand Theatre. I realize that sounds ridiculous, and I hope some photos will reinforce that notion.

I must credit my good friend Danai for the excellent camera work. I have failed to mention that you may click on any of these photos for a higher resolution image.

Earlier yesterday I went around town with Beth and her friend Katrina (studying in Scotland this semester.) We climbed a bell tower in the center of town, and some pictures were taken. I'll try to point out some areas of interest...

This is the view to the East, you may be able to pick out the river going through town below the horizon.

South and South-East. My school is by those last seven building you can see in the photo just above. Waay far of a walk.

To the East.

The cathedral.

An unfortunately narrow view of the beautiful North. I successfully managed to miss any visible monument in this direction, but a pretty view nonetheless.
Lovely friends.

Awesome up/down 231 step stairway and my foot.

Later, after a bottle of wine at Quinconces, before the best Italian meal of my life.

I'm really having an awesome time out here. Classes aren't too serious yet, we've been learning French law vocabulary and reading newspapers to gradually work up our fluency. I'm meeting with some people tomorrow and the day after for tours of places in the city center, I'll be sure the write the results. 



  1. These pictures aren't much different from the views I have outside my window in fabulous Norman, OK haha definitely kidding...the views from where you are are absolutely amazing!

    It looks like you are having such a wonderful time, and I'm so excited for you! (Not to mention a little jealous). But we have to skype soon, mon amie!

  2. those pictures are absolutely breath taking! it doesnt even seem real. be sure to bring us (jo& i) back a bottle of you're favorite wine! Miss you!
