Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Post!

     Berlin! Some friends Jonathan, Josepha, Alice, Margaux, Samy and I shipped out for five days. It is one of, if not my favorite city in Europe so far. I only wish there were more Kodak moments to be had- I loved it not for it's architecture.
     We stayed in the "Generator" hostel in the east side of the city, right next to a tram in to the city center. It was good, clean, and had a happy hour at its bar from 17-19h- the perfect hostel.

It has definitely been weird trying to describe the trip to people when I get back, because we did nottt see  much of the town. But to me the trip was not at all wasted. The first night we went out, took advantage of the happy hour (of course,) ate at a German restaurant till around midnight, then went to a club called Watergate till nine in the morning. So you could say that we wasted the whole next day by sleeping till the sun went down, but you know we saw the sun come up. So that isn't lazy right?

The pictures I took were from a day in which I forwent this mid-day sleep, and it was cooold as hell. I started with quite the pout, but it was tough to keep- the Germans were some of he nicest people I've met. 


 Snowball fight

A couple of photos borrowed from my friend Josepha's facebook...

Margeaux and Samy

Paris! I went to meet my momma and Lizette Barnes for a couple of days, and had a lovely time. It was a little colder than last time.

 View from my awesome hotel room (thanks again)

So French already!

Model Madden

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Paris triiip

Soo I went to Paris the other day and took lots of pictures, enjoy. Some of the paintings look excellent when clicked-on to zoom in.

 Place de la Republique, just outside of my nearly all-english Hostel.

 Walking down the street on a rainy morning. Breakfast was served from 7-8 am at the hostel;  I was sure not to miss a meal so I found myself up pretty early with quite a headache. 

 A solid nap-park.

 One of the tens of cathedrals in Paris.

I woke up way too early one day to spend as much time as possible at the Louvre...

 Solid line even at 8 am

 The Egypt section. 

 This is the inside of a sarcophagus- my favorite part of the Egypt section.

 I switched from the Egyptian section to the European section with this painting, which shows an Egyptian escaping hell into a white man's arms...

 Couldn't fit in one frame with a wide-angle lens.
Vive la Revolution

 Ridiculous crowd around the Mona Lisa, not giving a damn about the rest of the room.

 The RICCI...o
 Loved this above

Paris wears anyone out.

 A guy tried to pickpocket me juuuust by that pillar there
 Tough guys doing some choreography.


 Day 2:
I started off at Notre Dame!

 Osama released a message directly threatening France a few days before.

 Just happened to stumble into another cathedral on my way. 

These were the photo-worthy things

I'm going to Berlin in a week- wish me luck.

- Nik-o-lah